
Dear Austin…
You only know a city through the people
Those who barely know you
But commit themselves to being wonderful hosts…

The A-team. Alison, Annette, Alexandra and Angela
The A-team. Alison, Annette, Alexandra and Angela

People who you didn’t know before
But ended up living in an apartment with.
From acquaintances to friends
Now we are brothers and sisters;

My apartment mates! brothers. Hamid, Chipo, Zongo

a family…


Special people like this professor
Who became the big brother,
An uncle and then a father
Who transformed me
To become someone better.
The man who is not going to let us go
Without a teardrop

Professor John Doggett.
Professor John Doggett.

You only know a city through its nights
The parties, the music and the crazy people
The 6th street…
You know a city by its energy
The walls and the creativity
The buildings and the symmetry


You know a city when you immerse yourself
and give all of you
You finally find its purest souls

The saddest music I have ever heard
The saddest music I have ever heard
Good bye Austin
I will miss you



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